
The cocoon is uncomfortable…the poor caterpillar is hanging upside down in a dark  environment with very little space for any other kind of movement. It’s not the best situation to find yourself in but the caterpillar understands that this metamorphosis is vital for its growth. It may seem like a dark and dreary situation you’ve…

Feeling 25

So… 20th January I turned 25! What an amazing milestone and I’m super thankful to God for sustaining me from the very moment I was conceived up until now! My whole existence is testament to God’s immense love for me and I feel soooo grateful! It’s been a while since I blogged and this is…

The Trip That Changed My Life…

Lao Tzu once said “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step…” this means that any journey or task, however long the process may be begins with one action.  Hardships are not uncommon to man, we’ve all experienced suffering in various forms and I’ve always wanted to be there for people in…

Purposeful Singleness: Got a Valentine?

It’s that time of year again…the aisles of shops and supermarkets are flooded with all things red. Red cards, red roses, red candles YOU NAME IT! It’s a joyous time of year for those celebrating with their better half (I hope) but as a single how do you start feeling around this time of year?…

Feeling 24

Daily I’m blessed with 24 hours, today it all mounts up to 24 years and I am super thankful to God for allowing me to see this day. The past 3 years of my life have been the most turbulent but the most beautiful. There has been such a stretching, such a pruning and a…

2016 Taught Me That…

2016 Taught Me That… …some closed doors were blessings in disguise. “Why was I declined that job offer? Why did that business plan fail? Why didn’t that relationship work out? How!?” These are the many questions that we ask ourselves and the thoughts that run through our minds. I’ve learnt this year that some closed…

Be Still – Not The Mannequin Challenge!

Be still, not ‘still’ as in the #MannequinChallenge but from a biblical perspective, these words carry a greater depth of what we understand it to mean. Hesuchios…which is the Greek word for “Be still” meaning to refrain from labour, to hold peace, to be quiet and to rest. Psalm 46 in its entirety is an encouragement…

Has Social Media Made Us Less Social?

I truly believe social media has taken the place of friendships in our lives. We see people post on Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram and assume that they’re alive and well. It’s easy to see someone post a snap of their meal or tweet all day but that doesn’t truly reflect what’s going on in their heart…

Everyone Seems To Be Doing Better Than Me.

“Everyone seems to be getting married and settling down – and as for me, there’s no bae in sight.” *opens Instagram* “Simone just got engaged OMD.. So did Ruth!” “Why can’t I be as successful as Jane in my career?” “Joshua just graduated and I can’t seem to pass any subject in uni.” “Their ministry seems to…

4 Steps to Better Skincare

Skin care isn’t just about what you’re putting on but also about what you’re doing. It’s okay to have the top products but all of it means nothing if you’re not taking care of your body! Being a nurse, I work long hours and sometimes nights. After a while, my skin wasn’t in the best…

Woman For The Night Time or a Woman For A Lifetime?

In a world that sexualises women, I want to encourage my sisters out there that they don’t have to buy into the lies we so often see in the media. This post is a short encouragement to every woman out there that THEY ARE MORE.

Purposeful Singleness: Got Contentment?

So, some moths back I wrote a post called “Purposeful Singleness”. The aim was to highlight that singleness is and SHOULD BE a beautiful season of growth and development in Christ as an individual. This time I’m back at it talking about CONTENTMENT. Contentment: “Contentedly satisfied with ease of mind.” I feel as if many…